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ggbet下载 关于墨西哥巴哈半岛潜1zplay水的建议


Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Baja Peninsula, (Mexico)

Jutting out into the remote waters of the Pacific Ocean, at the tip of Mexico's Baja Peninsula is the town of Cabo San Lucas. Marking the furthest extreme south on the peninsula, Cabo is a great place for a scuba diving adventure, snorkeling or fiesta. Cabo isn’t the only place to dive on the Baja; another popular area is off La Paz on the Sea of Cortez side of the giant Baja peninsula.

巴哈(Baja)的水域不像墨西哥半岛(Yucatan Peninsula)的墨西哥加勒比海一侧那样清晰,平静和温暖,但太平洋为那些希望探索Baja的水下世界的人提供了狂热的冲动。电流可以迅速且冲浪高,因此岸潜水通常不是一种选择。有几个受保护的海湾在Cabo Coast上为Scuba潜水员提供一些礁石和海洋生物,但总的来说,您必须在船上出去以使其更加平静,更清晰的水域潜水。1zplay1zplay

When visiting the Cabo area most people end up lounging and maybe going on a snorkeling trip or a boat tour. The committed scuba diver can find some great dive sites if they ask around at the dive shops and hold out for the right dive boat captain and company that really knows their stuff.

About a half day drive to the northeast across the desert expanse of the Baja Peninsula is the town of La Paz. The southern half of the baja makes up the Mexican state of Baja California Sur and La Paz is its capital. Situated on Bahia de La Paz, a bay on the Sea of Cortez, the town of La Paz enjoys a really nice climate and is a good place to scuba dive. The winter temperatures rarely reach below 60 degrees F and summer temperatures hardly ever reach 90 degrees F, due to the maritime wind. Whereas temperatures within the interior of the peninsula in the summer months get very hot, there are some rainy days maxing out in August and September, with a maximum monthly rainfall of about 3 inches in September. However, it’s nothing to plan or change your trip details to fit. There is decent to great weather from spring through fall for scuba diving in La Paz. Even in the winter months with a little wetsuit protection, diving in chilly Pacific and Sea of Cortez is not a problem nor unusual.

潜水员来1zplay1zplay说,远程和异国情调的,考虑到der a liveaboard trip that takes you to what many refer to as the Mexican Galapagos. Socorro and San Benedicto Islands are part of the volcanic island chain by the name of Revillagigedo. This is an adventure and getaway that is about 250 miles of the southern tip of the Baja peninsula. You can plan a trip to these islands from either Cabo or La Paz.


戈多银行是巴哈(Baja)尖端的Cabo区域中水肺潜水的最佳和独特的地方之1zplay一。1zplay戈多银行(Gordo Banks)是一座海山,其尖端在水面下方110英尺,距离大陆约10英里。一个小时的乘船将向戈多银行(Gordo Banks)运送潜水员,您1zplay将在那里与大量的Amberjack,Yellowfin Tuna,Snapper和Bushy Black Black Coral一起游泳。这个位置很深,有时有扫荡的电流,因此该位置适用于经验丰富的水肺潜水员。1zplay1zplay1zplay潜水员最有可能根据赛季在戈多银行看到锤头鲨,巨型蝠ta和鲸鲨。

靠近岸边,从Cabo San Lucas Marina乘坐轻松的乘船是Chileno Bay。在这个地方,人们可以从岸边游泳,探索鱼类,岩石,浮潜或从船上潜水。1zplay这是一个受保护的小海湾,为潜水员提供了一个受保护,轻松的潜水地点。1zplay同样在Cabo San Lucas地区也是一个名为Anegada的潜水地点。1zplay这里在圣卢卡斯湾探索一个水下峡谷。被称为L1zplaya Larga的潜水地点也是60英尺至120英尺深的深度的水下峡谷。La Larga是一个很棒的潜水网站,值1zplay得一看,探索Cabo San Lucas Shore和一个很棒的潜水地点,可以看到大型梭子鱼,丰富的鱼类学校,如果您很幸运,那是居住在该地区的当地章鱼。

潜水潜水的另一个受欢迎的地区是Cabo地区以东,1zplay1zplay沿着海岸朝Cortez海。在那里,您会发现小镇Cabo Pulmo和Cabo Pulmo国家海洋公园。在Cabo Pulmo公园,您会发现北美西侧唯一的珊瑚礁。这是高级和初学者的绝佳潜水网站。1zplay

在拉巴斯(La Paz),在东北半天,大多数水肺潜水都是从拉巴斯(La Paz)的海滩度假1zplay胜地安排的。尽管岸边度假胜地对潜水员来说很吸引人,但牲畜是最好的选择。1zplay它打开了有机会潜入众所周知的Cortez遗址,例如El 1zplayBajo Seamounts,您将与Manta Rays和Hammerheads一起潜水,以及拥有丰富海狮的Los Islotes Island。

为了进行更异国情调的潜水探险,考虑计1zplay划在加利福尼亚州巴哈尖端以南约250英里处的太平洋岛屿进行潜水之旅。Socorro和San benedicto群岛是Revillagigedo连锁店的一部分,并提供了一些很棒的潜水。1zplay前往这些火山群岛的旅行被称为墨西哥加拉帕戈斯群岛(Galapagos),为巨大物种(例如巨大的蝠ta,锤头,鲸鱼鲨鱼,鼻子鼻子海豚,虎鲨和巨大的金枪鱼学校)提供了亲密和个人的机会。


飞入baja是无痛的。到达Cabo,有许多价格合理的价格,如果从美国出发,则从洛杉矶国际(Los Angeles International)(Los Angeles International(Lax))飞往加利福尼亚。如果在墨西哥旅行,则有从墨西哥城国际贝尼托·华雷斯(MEX)到卡波和拉巴斯的直接航班。要到达Cabo地区,请飞往墨西哥国际机场(SJD),然后前往拉帕兹(La Paz)飞往曼努埃尔·马尔克斯(ManuelMárquezdeLeón)国际机场(LAP)时,前往科尔特斯海南部地区。

当在拉帕斯(Baja California Sur)的首都拉巴斯(La Paz)从皮奇吉尔港(Pichilingue)港口渡轮乘坐科尔特斯海到墨西哥大陆。渡轮将带您往返于马萨特兰(Mazatlán)或洛斯·摩歇(Los Mochis)附近的小镇托波洛巴莫(Topolobampo)。

选择留下来和计划从拉巴斯进行潜水冒险活动,一定会给您带来更真实1zplay的墨西哥体验,而不是留在Cabo San Lucas周围的繁忙旅游区。La Paz提供许多不同的水肺潜水商店来制定计划。1zplayCortez Club是一个潜水和水上运动中心,可在La Paz及其周围及其周围提供可靠的潜水旅行,并为初学者和专家提供出色的水肺教学。1zplay1zplayCantamar俱乐部是另一个提供水肺指导和一日游的伟大且成熟的度假胜地。1zplay自1965年以来,他们一直在潜1zplay水和指导!

There is an atmosphere of fiesta and lounging in Cabo but there is also an interest in scuba diving. Cabo's oldest and best dive shop is Amigos Del Mar, which coordinates the scuba diving activities at many of the major resorts in Cabo. Regardless of where you are staying you can arrange a scuba trip with Amigos Del Mar. Manta Scuba Diving and Cabo Eagle Divers are two other scuba dive shops that bring divers out to explore the waters around the tip of the Baja Peninsula.

当您沿着科尔特斯海的Cabo向东行驶时,您最终将到达城镇和公园,被称为Cabo Pulmo。Cabo Pulmo Beach Resort是一家很棒的潜水商店,可1zplay以安排在Cabo Pulmo上潜水,在那里您将在西方大陆上体验北美唯一的珊瑚礁。从这个安静的小墨西哥1zplay小镇上潜水,并远离卡波圣卢卡斯地区周围的嘉年华人群。

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