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在Key Largo和任何地方为礁石而战!

With the recent release ofChasing Coral在Netflix上,珊瑚礁从来都不是一个热门按钮主题。观看他们在大障碍礁上录制的珊瑚漂白事件以及生态系统中鱼类生命的迅速退化令人心碎。这部纪录片很有帮助,因为它向观众展示了礁石正在进行的快速变化,但它仅集中在世界一个领域。那么佛罗里达钥匙的礁石呢?

In recent history, coral reefs have been faced with large scale bleaching due to warmer water temperatures and ocean acidification. In Chasing Coral you are shown a rapid bleaching event, but it doesn’t always happen that quickly. Here at Sea Dwellers Dive Center in the Keys, we have faced a few bleaching events and the reefs are not thriving as they once were even five years ago. The reefs are still abundant with marine life and are gorgeous to dive, but there has been several bleaching events over the last 10 - 20 years that are taking a toll.Here is more information regarding climate change.珊瑚礁肯定在变化,这是我们每个人都可以做的帮助全球变暖!

事情你能帮助降低你的足迹d stave off climate change to help our Reefs in Key Largo survive;

  1. 购买可重复使用的水瓶!塑料是主要的海洋污染物之一,每年负责杀死许多海洋生物。
  2. Use reusable grocery bags。与塑料主题一起进行,最好是最好的!另外,大多数杂货店都会从您的账单上拿走少量的钱来携带自己的袋子。
  3. 汽车游泳池,骑自行车,使用公共交通工具。The emissions from cars are one of the greenhouses gases responsible for climate change.
  4. Eat less meat。You don’t need to cut it out of your diet completely, but factory farms are one of the main sources that greenhouse gases are emitted from, and billions of gallons of water are used to keep a farm running. One hamburger is the equivalent of someone taking 32 showers, so the less meat you consume, less water will be used and the stress on the environment will be lessened.
  5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.但主要减少。许多人已经开始在家里和工作中回收利用,这真是太好了!但是在三个R中,您至少可以做的就是回收。最好的办法是减少您对商品的消费。购买的塑料少意味着需要生产的塑料较少!
  6. Be a responsible boater。这意味着要确保您不要锚定在礁石上或将船扎在礁石上。
  7. 成为一个负责任的渔夫。随着龙虾的迷你季节的回归,重要的是要记住,虽然找到和捕捉龙虾令人兴奋,但要注意您在寻找的东西和站稳脚跟。触摸珊瑚可能会伤害或杀死它,而摔断了碎片,因为您试图抓住龙虾并没有使任何东西受益。此外,这意味着不要在避难所中钓鱼,过时,带来尺寸不大的鱼/龙虾,并遵守您当地的指南。
  8. 1zplay与蓝星操作员一起潜水。蓝星经营者的船只和潜1zplay水商店已作出了保护和教育珊瑚礁保护的承诺。Sea Dellers是蓝星操作员
  9. Be a responsible diver。这意味着不要触摸礁石,而不是站在礁石上,也不要避免所有的仪表和控制台在您的下方悬挂。作为潜水员1zplay,您主要是在那里作为观察者,这意味着不触摸或追逐野生动植物。
  10. Don’t fly first class.飞行会向环境散发出许多温室气体,每年约有5%的变暖。随着航空旅行变得越来越流行,该数字每年都会继续增加。因此,不要飞上头等舱。较大的座椅和额外的房间意味着一个飞行中的人较少,因此该航班上的每个人反过来又具有较大的碳足迹。
  11. Contribute to the CRF– The Coral Restoration Foundation is doing amazing things cultivating, growing, and transplanting corals onto existing reefs and also new areas that are deemed able to start a new reef. Direct action at it’s best!


