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泰国国旗Advice on Scuba Diving in Ko Pha-ngan, Thailand

33个1zplay潜水地点41Dive Shops

第1部分:泰国Ko pha-ngan中的1zplay水肺潜水概述

小岛Ko pha-ngan以其在Haad Rin海滩上的满月派对,无与伦比的水肺潜水和众多沙洲而闻名,位于泰国大陆的东部,距离岸边约55公里。1zplay这不是一个新的旅游目的地。作为泰国以前的国王的最爱的假日岛,以及一个世纪前从马来西亚的穆斯林海吉普赛人臭名昭著的乐队,现代探险家以同样的热情带到了原始的海滩和崇高的冲浪。

该岛位于泰国的湾,北部几公里的姐妹岛Ko Tao和苏梅岛的受欢迎的旅游热点位于其南部。There are only a few dive sites specific to the island, with a couple of attractive beach dives thrown in for good measure, but it’s location makes it perfect for reaching some of the most famous dive sites, like well-known Sail Rock and the Southwest pinnacle, which both lie northwards. A tourist destination at heart, scuba diving on Ko Pha-ngan has been a main source of tourism for over a decade, so it’s well catered for here. There are a good number of dive shops and specialist tour operators leaving from both the north and the south of the island, and most of them offer pickups from local hotels.

这是距离丁字裤国家公园(Ang Thong National Park)的短船,这是40多个漂亮,孤立的岛屿的收藏。涂黑色的礁鲨,海lug和蓝色游泳螃蟹在这里称温暖的水域,这些岛屿在潜水员和日间旅行者中变得很受欢迎。1zplay

Ko Pha-ngan has a rainy season that runs from May to the following January, but although that seems quite long in comparison to its short four months of hot weather, the rainy season doesn’t actually get that cold, rarely falling below 20°C. The worst months fall between October and late December when the monsoons hit the island, and although they can affect water visibility and current strengths, the island itself still enjoys a vibrant tourist scene.

Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in Ko Pha-ngan, (Thailand)

KO pha-ngan周围的水域大多是清晰,受保护的水,具有良好的可见度,以及一些很棒的海滩潜水。1zplay有一个或两个偏远的遗址因其有趣的形式和丰富的海洋生物而受到国际认可。


The Ang Thong Marine Park to the west of Ko Pha-ngan is another popular location for diving in Thailand, but this chain of islands is also visited by day trippers and kayakers, making it a busy place to be. Some of the smaller islands in the chain are less well known, but getting to them without a diving guide or scheduled trip can be difficult. Divers going out solo can take the ferry from Koh Samui to reach the chain, but most of the dive shops also run dedicated trips out, and they’re worth considering, for they have some of the brightest coral reefs and an abundance of marine life.

Another of The Gulf of Thailand’s most famous dive sites is the Chumphon Pinnacles, located just northwest of Koh Tao. Lying below the surface at a minimum depth of 12m, this rocky ridge is a fascinating series of rocks wending their way along the seabed. This reef is home to a plethora of interesting animals, from grey reef sharks to the smallest of sponges. It’s a 50-minute speedboat ride from the north of Ko Pha-ngan, but very much worth the trip.

第3部分:泰国K1zplayO PHA-NGAN潜水的潜水商店,机场和后勤

Ko Pha-ngan坐在泰国风景最美的水域中,它在岛上及其周围的潜水旅行中赢得了良好的声誉。1zplay它可能不像南部那样出名,但对于一个安静,更轻松且旅游的位置稍微降低,它是理想的假期。这是一个不发达的岛屿,在其东部海岸线上没有真正的运输网络,但是在西方,可以从北到南找到潜水商店。1zplay

西部的Ko Pha-ngan镇是最大的城市发展,相当于十几个较不发达的街道,但即使如此,一个地点仍然有四家水肺潜水商店。1zplay1zplayPhangan国际潜水学校是一家5星PADI教练开发商店,在岛上的主要度假胜地设有潜水办公室。1zplay它自2004年以来就一直开放,并且已经成长为岛上最知名的学校之一。除了通常的潜水旅行和水肺课程外,他们还拥有一位专门的水下摄影1zplay师租用,为客户提供了录制冒险的1zplay不寻常选择。

在北部,Sail Rock潜水员服装的名字来自所有当地潜1zplay水地点之一,他们经常去一日游。它们在Chaloklum最北端的道路尽头,并进行了高达30条潜水员的快艇游览和巡洋舰之旅。1zplay潜水团队1zplay来自世界各地,他们的经验为他们赢得了PADI的五星级评分,以及过去和现在的学生的忠实追随者。

在购买设备方面,在一些更偏远的地方找到一个有很多选择的好装备可能是一场挣扎。因此,Ko Pha-ngan镇的所有水1zplay肺解决方案商店都是该岛的欢迎。该商店库存从Scubapro和Aqualung到Suunto和M1zplayares的所有内容,至少有十个主要品牌代表。It’s unusual to find such a specialist shop on an island of this size, particularly when it doesn’t offer trips or courses of its own, but given the popularity of scuba diving on Ko Pha-ngan, this little gem of a retail outlet is understandably busy throughout the year.

KO PHA-NGAN没有自己的机场,但是苏梅岛的国际机场距离酒店有50分钟的渡轮旅行。另一种旅行方法是从大陆乘船。这是一个稍便宜的选择,但从曼谷增加大约四个小时的旅行时间。

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