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夏威夷是1959年添加的50个美国的最后一个。1,500英里群岛由许多岛屿组成,北部到南的夏威夷八个主要岛屿是:Niihau,Kauai,Kauai,Oahu,Molokai,Lanai,Lanai,Kahoolawe,Kahooi,Maui,Maui,Maui,Maui,Maui,Maui,Maui,Maui,Maui,Maui。,以及夏威夷的“大”岛。持续的火山活动在夏威夷岛的南半部附近的莫纳·洛阿(Mauna Loa)附近。曾经吸烟的Mauna Loa最后一次爆发了1984年,在过去的200年中爆发了30次。夏威夷群岛是从海底升起的巨大山峰。大岛的不活动的Mauna Kea从基地到海底上升了33,476英尺(10,203米)。莫纳·基亚(Mauna Kea)从基础到峰值,是地球上最高的山峰。高于海平面的13,796英尺(4,205 m)山令人印象深刻,火山最后一次于公元前2460年爆发。


气候是天堂,海洋和空气温度,全年几乎没有什么不同。1zplay檀香山附近的水肺潜水是刚到岛屿的游客的理想选择。檀香山附近瓦胡岛(Oahu)的水平均在3月约76摄氏度,并在9月/10月的81摄氏度左右最大化。三月份,海洛(Hilo)在希洛(Hilo)平均约71摄氏度的大岛(Big Island)旁的水域,并在9月/10月的75度左右最大化。许多潜水员1zplay仍然穿着潜水服增加了温暖和免受岩石和礁石的保护,但是,在温暖的月份,更平静的海上潜水并不需要潜水服。



夏威夷群岛的无尽海滩和海湾有许1zplay多潜水地点。由于夏威夷在中太平洋地区的偏僻地点,岛屿野生动植物展示了由于地理隔离而引起的物种形成的例子。在夏威夷的海洋生物中,有25%是夏威夷的特有。一种特有物种仅意味着受到限制或特殊地区或地区的物种,在这种情况下,它意味着夏威夷岛链的本地。夏威夷独有的一些礁鱼物种希望发现的是Gargantuan Blenny,Blue-Stripe Blen1zplay1zplayny,Millet Butterflyfish或Banded Damsellish。夏威夷石斑鱼是夏威夷特有的,通常在夏威夷群岛以北的孤立的库雷环礁跳下时通常会看到。Pufferfish家族中的夏威夷白色植物托比(Toby)是岛屿特有的另一个礁鱼。看到这种友好的斑点美景的一个普遍场所是潜水地点,被称为毛伊岛西北海岸的凯悦酒/万豪珊瑚礁。1zplay潜水地点1zplay位于约60英尺的水中,并且在靠近岸边时,确实需要一条船。对于初学者甚至浮潜者来说,这是一1zplay个理想的潜水地点。 Unfortunately, you might also see the Whitespotted Toby in a pet store.

岛上居住的鱼类的数量chain is about a third as diverse as the Indonesian Islands of the Asian mainland or the California coast far to the east. Hawaii's isolation resulted in reduced numbers of different species but increased uniqueness in the species that have survived and thrived there. Life found a way to colonize Hawaii and the lifeforms that made the long journal are the species that we see today. Eel larvae can drift for up to 30 weeks, partly explaining why there are so many eel species in Hawaii. The Ringtailed surgeonfish, a reef tang, unique to Hawaii most likely arrived when a related surgeonfish species drifted to the islands in the distant past while in its extended larval stage.




瓦胡岛(Oahu)的一场巨大1zplay的残骸被称为海虎。这座168英尺的船只在1999年有意沉没,它已经吸引了鱼类,偶尔的鲨鱼和礁石生长的开端。潜水在61zplay0-100英尺的水中,为潜水员提供了通过船上的几个开口进行潜水的机会。商业潜艇旅游公司,Atlantis Submarinesout of Honolulu, visits the wreck daily. Diving the wreck when the submarine passes by adds an extra thrill to this advanced dive site.

夏威夷大岛西岸的科纳(Kona)的水域通常提供良好的可见度以及无数的水肺和浮潜地点。1zplay相对年轻的熔岩管,墙壁和火山拱门使该地区成为冒险和探索的宝库。在冬季,通常看到座头鲸,飞行员鲸鱼和侏儒杀手鲸。全年都可以发现瓶颈海豚和旋转海豚,以及斑点的Eagle Ray和Manta Ray off Kona。

一些顶级评级岛链的潜水地点1zplayoff Kona. A notable dive site off Kona is Nai'a, meaning dolphin in Hawaiian. This dive site offers a good chance that the local spinner dolphins will come to check you out! Kaloko Arches is a beautiful dive with steep walls and reef and frequent encounters with octopus. North of Kona there is the dive site known as Puako. This 90 feet deep site can be accessed from shore or a boat and depending on the visibility, which can be as low as 50 feet, this dive is considered of intermediate difficulty. It is common to see turtles, Yellow tang and abundant butterflyfish. The area is also famous for the thick carpets of coral.


This overview of Hawaiian dive sites barely touched on the multitude of scuba diving potential on the majestic islands. The amazing thing about diving in Hawaii is the diversity skill levels, marine life, geography and unique opportunities like lava tubes and abundant sea turtles. To really dive Hawaii I recommend a multi-day dive excursion, some shore dives around volcanic structures and at least one traditional Luau!

Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Hawaiian Islands, (United States)


夏威夷群岛有五个国际机场。最大,最受欢迎的机场是瓦胡岛(Oahu)的檀香山国际(Honolulu International),一般来说,檀香山提供了从洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州和太平洋地区附近的地点提供最实惠的航班。夏威夷的大岛有两个国际机场。东海岸的希洛国际和西海岸的科纳·科厄国际。Kahului International位于毛伊岛的中心。Kauai的Lihue International。从毛伊岛东北海岸的拉海纳(LahainaLahaina Cruise Company

夏威夷的大岛 - Kailua Kona&Hilo

The resort and water sport centric town of Kailua Kona on the western shore on the big island of Hawaii has over 80 frequented scuba diving sites. Kona Diving Company offers multi-day and day trip dive boat excursions from town. The dive shop offers certification courses as well as “Discover SCUBA Dive Day” led by a PADI instructor. This day-trip does not require certification and offers a way for beginners to see if scuba diving is really for them. Kona Diving Company also features what it calls the Manta Ray Night Dive. Other excellent dive shops to check out in Kona; Jack's Diving Locker, Big Island Divers and Snorkel Bob's.

Hilo is the largest town on the big island of Hawaii and overlooks Hilo Bay. Resting on the volcanic flanks of both Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, Hilo is home to the University of Hawai'i at Hil'o and the region is the world's leading producer of macadamia nuts. Hilo is also a great base to use for launching multi-day dive trips and day trips around the big island. Nautilus Dive Center is a small but well established ship in Hilo that offers training and guided charter trips.

瓦胡岛,聚会场所 - 檀香山


毛伊岛,山谷岛 - 基希和拉海纳

Maui is a gorgeous island to rest and enjoy a much needed break in life, to explore and hike and also to dive. There are many dive shops that offer shore dives and charters from Kihei to the south and Lahaina to the north. Many shops offer trips to the nearby islands of Molokai and Lanai. Maui Dive Shop is one such shop that offers trips to the other islands, night dives, drift dives, a regularly scheduled trip to St. Anthony Wreck off Maui. Boss Frog's is a dive, surf and bike shop chain with eight stores in Maui, two on Kauai and one on the big island. While the Boss Frog's chain offers a lot of fun and recreation it is not geared toward serious scuba tours or state of the art gear.

Kauai, The Garden Isle – Koloa

Seasport 1zplayDivers是一家很棒的潜水店,是美丽考艾岛南部海岸的Koloa镇。这家商店提供潜艇游乐设施,这是小型迷你贵妇。他们还专注于在考艾岛(Kauai)和尼奥豪(Ni'ihau)的禁忌岛进行钓鱼和潜水。1zplayDive Team领导下的考艾岛(1zplayKauai)是一支专业的,定制的潜水团队,由科洛亚(Koloa)以焦点为中心。该商店在一年中大部分时间提供早晨,下午和晚上的潜水预订。1zplay

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