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Ninepins Dive Site

Hong Kong

Pak Sha Wan

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Dive Site Registered by:

Brandi Mueller

PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) Staff Instructor

Advice for diving Ninepins in Hong Kong

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Advice on Diving inHong Kong administration region of the People’s Republic of China. Rocky reefs and corals support over 300 species of reef fish and more than 80 species of hard and soft coral. Most diving is shallow and interesting topography makes for great dives with lots of marine life hiding in nooks and crannies. Sharks are common during the summer when water temperatures are warmer and many beaches are protected by shark nets. Although diving can be on the colder side and visibility isn’t always perfect, Hong Kong has some great diving including a lot of macro life. It’s also a great place for dive train...

Read more

Read "Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in Hong Kong"

Read "Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Hong Kong"
Dive Logs


Saturday, May 17, 2014
Location: Ninepins

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Name Distance

KTZ | Kwun Tong

Hong Kong, Kwun Tong

10.24 km

HHP | H K Heliport

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

12.98 km

ZCU | She Kou Ferry

China, She Kou

24.54 km

ZJK | Off Line Point

Hong Kong, Chek Lap Kok

38.31 km

HKG | Hong Kong International

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

40.29 km

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  • Ninepins
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