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Advice for diving Zelande in France

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Advice on Diving inesl one 菠菜

...ites France has to offer are found along France's southern coastline known as the French Riviera. There are also notable wreck dives off Normandy on the English Channel and good diving off the island of Corsica near Italy. France is also famous for its extensive cave systems inland offering unforgettable scuba adventures that wind back into the earth. The best visibility is along southern France's Cote D'Azur, with visibility commonly found between 30-40 meters. On good days, the visibility rivals many tropical destinations famous for high visibility. Water temperatures are also the highest ...

esl one 菠菜

Read "Part 2: Dive Sites, Marine Life & Environment in France"

Read "Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in France"
Dive Logs

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Name Distance

Ocean View

United Kingdom

147.47 km

Brighton Dive Centre

United Kingdom

147.1 km

Mulberry Divers Limited

United Kingdom

142.16 km

Academy of Scuba Diving

United Kingdom

147.76 km

Newhaven Scuba Centre

United Kingdom

145.58 km

The list reflects the locations visible in the map. Please zoom out

Name Distance

LEH | Octeville

esl one 菠菜
27.13 km

CFR | Carpiquet

esl one 菠菜
36.67 km

DOL | St Gatien

esl one 菠菜
35.88 km

XEA | Vancouver Rail Stn.

67.03 km

RCR | Fulton County

United States, Rochester

67.61 km

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  • Zelande
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