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Get a brief insight of establishing classroom rules

A recent study shows that giving the disciples some rights in establishing their environment goes a long way. When it comes to setting rules in the classroom, some teachers sound “old school”, and they believe the old saying, you can hope for the best but have to prepare for the worst.


Many tutors encourage students in establishing their classroom rules as they want to know students’ perspectives and issues. Because modern-age teachers don’t believe in dominant their students, but in open communication and activities, this open communication plays an influential role in establishing classroom rules.

Students look forward to the new academic year, new classroom and the new rules! So what will those rules set up?

Surprisingly, many teachers report whether a student is involved with the plan because you will likely end up with the same rules.

  1. 课堂行为协议

During the first day of your academic year, the teacher will involve all the students in creating their classroom rules. Certainly, it happens to you too! The rule-making process is really interesting for many, and it raises so many vital questions like:

How does your teacher want you to treat you?

How do you want to treat others?

How do you think you want to be treated?

How should you treat one another when there is a fight?

Here, students can share their opinions and thoughts about these questions in small groups and then with the entire year. Then, all the responses and ideas are posted on a large sheet of paper. It will help everyone to prepare the initial rule.

  1. Civility rule



When you sit, keep your feet firm on the ground. Don’t put your foot on others or cross them,

Don’t shift yourself onto others.

Don’t gnaw your nails.

Don’t try to kill any vermin like lice, ticks, fleas in the sight of your classmates.


Let your presence be counted subtly and calmly.

If anyone comes to talk to you while sitting, stand up and speak to them nicely.


  1. Characteristics of a good student:


  1. 记住规则的时间表:

Even adults forget rules so do children! You can blame them but remember them. Rhymes are the most influential work on remembering rules for them. Poems are excellent tools for children to remember their rules.

  1. Establish the need for rules:



  1. Solve the equation:

写一个问题。它可以是任何 - 总和问题,例如a+a = a或图形。询问学生他们对等式的问题和含义的看法。然后,将它们安排成一个小组,并要求他们考虑以同一字母开头的单词列表。OI还可以要求他们绘制在板上勾勒出的类似图纸。这就是他们将在沟通上学习新知识的方式。

  1. Q&A session:


  1. Creating web charts:

This is another group activity. Divide students into some groups and give them charts. One group will make a web chart on “respecting all teachers”, and another group will draw “classroom rules” That’s why a teacher can relate to all their students.

  1. Essay writing:


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Let them come and read their ideas, and you will find that a lot of them overlay.

  1. 加强规则:

Setting up rules is not enough; an ideal teacher should see how the rules are implemented and how students implement those instructions throughout academic years.


Besides setting up specific protocols, the students should also be watchful about breaking classroom rules like:

If someone breaks one rule: warning/ Name on the board

For the second time: students must fill out a form and identify the rule they have broken.

Third time: isolation from the class


Fifth time: office referral

This write-up will help you understand the ten activities to establish new rules through the academic year.

作者简历:Amelia Shepherd是伦敦SOAS大学的教授。她已经完成了社会学硕士学位,并从澳大利亚布朗大学(Brown University)进行了研究。阿米莉亚现在与myassignmenthelp.com and provides great assignment support to students. Check outmyassignmenthelpreview在网络上具有4.9评级,并获得Amelia等学者的作业服务。

Resource -https://www.makedonald.com/10-activities-for-plashishing-classroom-rule

