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Karsten Fritze




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    Brandi Mueller (Brandi)Diving and photography are my passions and I've been lucky enough to be diving since I was 15 years old. Currently I'm a PADI IDC Staff Instructor and have been instructing in the Caribbean, Hawaii, and the South Pacific for 9 years and have a USCG captain's license. I love sharing the underwater world through words and pictures and whenever possible, showing people my favorite dive sites.PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) Staff Instructor

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    Bryan Swanson (SubmergedPhotography)As a biologist and underwater photographer of over 14 years my true love is bringing the beauty of sea life to the eyes of everyone. I have photographed reef systems all over the world and have seen first hand why marine conservation is extremely important. Overfishing and pollution from runoff are just a couple examples of human impact destroying marine ecosystems. I believe we can stop this destruction through education and bringing local governments around the world to focus on marine conservation. I hope my pictures help with educating and influencing a love for marine life. My fiancé Jen and I are traveling to the Philippines in May for our Honeymoon and can't wait for some amazing diving.

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    Byron Conroy (10153283465681790)

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    Chris Paparo (FishGuyPhotos)我在长岛(纽约)长大并长大,我从事岛上的荒野已有30多年的历史了。作为野生动植物摄影师,作家和讲师,我喜欢将公众的意识带入称为岛上的多样化野生动植物。1zplay我对沿海生态,钓鱼和户外活动的热情使我从Liu/Southampton获得了海洋科学学士学位,目前我在Stony Brook University的南安普敦校园里管理新的海洋科学中心。除了为几本钓鱼和野生动物相关的出版物的自由职业者写作外,我目前还为《 Water Magazine On NY/NJ版》撰写了每月的《博物学家》的日志专栏。尽管我的工作倾向于专注于海洋生物,但自然世界中的一切都是公平的游戏。在Facebook,Instagram和Twitter上关注@FishGuyphotos,或访问我的网站

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    Christian Skauge (ScubaSapiens)PADI Rescue Diver

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    Craig Dietrich(S1zplaycubaman11)

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    Dariush Shemtoob (fotonji)A self taught photographer, I always seeks out new terrain where animals and nature abound. An avid scuba diver and motorcycle rider, I have been documenting my experiences for more than twenty years learning how fragile life is and developing a profound respect for all living systems. Convinced that no mind is ever open enough, I travel as much as I can and try to stay open to new ways of seeing.

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    大卫·安托贾(Davidantoja)Scuba instructor and underwater photographer. My images are specially focused for conservation and protection of the Mediterranean sea.CMAS One Star Instructor

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    Divepanthers (Divepanthers)来自欧罗巴北部的娱乐潜水员1zplay。总是在温暖的水域潜水,每年进行2-3次潜水旅行。1zplay业余水下摄影师。最喜欢的目的地是印度尼西亚。

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    Ellen Cuylaerts (EllenC)Ellen Cuylaerts relocated from Belgium to the Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman in 2009. She studied history in Antwerp and got her master in modern history and education. She homeschools her 2 gifted teenagers and decided to take up scuba diving in June 2011. Soon she took up her childhood dream: photography. She decided to use the skills she learned to spread the awareness and contribute to the conservation and preservation of the fragile marine environment.PADI Master Scuba Diver

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