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Japan flag日本伊祖半岛和伊祖群岛的36个水1zplay肺潜水业务目录

36 Dive Shops

Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Izu Peninsula and Izu Islands, (Japan)

前往伊豆的潜水目的地的钢笔lol赛事中心1zplay一世nsula and the Izu Islands usually involves flying into Tokyo. Tokyo's Narita International Airport, otherwise known as New Tokyo International Airport, handles most of the international flights. Tokyo International Airport, also called Haneda Airport, traffics most of the domestic flights. From Tokyo, there are many hop flights to the seemingly countless towns and islands, making up the long chain of possible destinations.

Izu半岛是潜水在日本开始的地方,该地区提供了许多潜水商1zplay店和指导。1zplay说英语的游客面临的挑战是找到一家商店,其内部工作人员和潜水教练会说英语。1zplay英国当地人经营的一家著名1zplay的潜水店是东京的Mar Scuba。1zplay该商店专门研究Izu半岛,并在Atami Station每日对面的麦当劳会面。东京欧洲潜水员是另一家俱乐部/1zplay潜水商店,可满足英语和瑞典语潜水员的迎合。1zplay这家潜水店位于东京,周末和一日游,沿着半岛进1zplay行大潜水。Toyko的Triu1zplaymph潜水服务是一所较小的潜水学校,还提供前往半岛的旅行。这家小商店有自己的潜水船,可以迎合家庭。1zplay

In Ito, along the eastern coast of the peninsula not far from Tokyo, there are several dive shops. Bonzo Divers is a shop that regularly dives the eastern dive sites and has an interest and love for the marine life. On the west coast is probably one of the most beautiful dive locations in the bay of Osezaki. The dive shops known as Mic21 are a retail sporting goods shops that cater to scuba divers and are found throughout Tokyo and Japan. The Tokyo shops offers dive courses and excursions, specializing in the Izu Peninsula and are resources for divers wishing to access the remote western coast of the peninsula.

对于希望1zplay潜入伊祖群岛的潜水员来说,一个好地方是Hachijojima机场,位于Hachijo Izu岛上。从东京飞行仅需45分钟。Hachijo提供了出色的潜水,并且是东京大城市和繁忙的Izu半岛的度假胜地。到达Hachijo的另一种方法是Toakai Cruise Line经营的远洋客轮,该巡洋舰每晚从东京湾出发,第二天早上到达Hachijo。一旦在岛上,该岛东北部被称为Seapiross的度假胜地是潜水员的绝佳资源,他们想探索岛屿的海岸和船只潜水地点。1zplay1zplay该酒店设有一家潜水店,为想要海岸1zplay潜水的人提供潜水设备。1zplay该商店还拥有自己的潜水船,可提供海上游览。1zplay该度假胜地距离Hachijojima机场仅几步之遥。

In general, ferries are most easily accessible to the Izu Islands from the peninsula's harbor towns of Takehiba Pier, Atami and Ito.

Read "Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Izu Peninsula and Izu Islands, (Japan)
