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Japan flag关于在日本Tsush1zplayima和Iki Island的水肺潜水的建议


第1部分:在Tsushima和Iki I1zplaysland(日本)的水肺潜水概述


Tsushima Island lies in the Tsushima Strait, the eastern channel of the Korea Strait. The Tsushima Current, a warmer branch of the Japan Current, known as Kuroshio, passes through the Tsushima Strait, bringing with it abundant marine life. Japanese fisheries harvest the life that flows through the strait, bringing to market big fish such as the Japanese amberjack and Japanese horse mackerel. Unfortunately, overfishing and pollution from nearby countries, notably China and Korea, have poisoned and depleted the waters. In the last decade, the Tsushima Current yields less and less fish and more blooms of jellyfish and waste.

Tsushima is divided into North Tsushima Island and South Tsushima Island by an artificial canal system first created in the mid-1600s. Tsushima proper also includes about 100 smaller islands. Recreational scuba diving on the island began back in 1997 and is for the most part concentrated off the northeast coast of the Tsushima's southern island of Shimojima. The fishing industry had long dominated and pushed out the leisure diving industry until recently.

群岛气候相对温暖的warm maritime climate of the Tsushima Strait. The average air temperature is 15.5°C (59° F). Evergreens and deciduous trees grace 90% of the island and the distinct cypress tree is a common sight. The island offers a lot of options for tourists. The hilly island takes about three hours to drive from its northern to southern tip, and the option of cycling the length of the island has become popular. Hiking to the top of Mt. Shira-take or enjoying the many harbors of Tsushima are other favorites when you are not scuba diving.

第2部分:潜水地1zplay点,Tsushima和Iki Island的海洋生物与环境,(日本)

Tsushima Island和Iki Island是相对较新的潜水目的地。lol赛事中心1zplay官方的潜水地点很少1zplay,潜水产业仍处于岛屿的起步阶段,相对于冲绳等远南的热带日本群岛。据报道,最好的海岸跳水在Tsushima上跳水是在Mitsushima镇附近的Ohtahama海滩上。距离海滩约30米,有四个方面的水泥物体被放置在3-7米的水中,称为四足动物。这次潜水非1zplay常适合让您的鳍湿,对于想潜入Tsushima的初学者来说。

潜水地点1zplay仅被称为Dokutsu(日语中的“洞穴”)是Tsushima镇以南地区的最南端潜水地点。沿岸的三个洞穴入口在水中有一半,非常适合初学者洞穴潜水员。1zplay您可以回到足够的洞穴中,以陷入深度的黑暗中,当您回到入口时,从入口处闪耀的阳光很漂亮。山洞以北的另一个1zplay潜水是kamabutase,这是一个在一个小海湾的礁石潜水,礁石下降到约25米。这是东岛东部最丰富的潜水地点,用于海洋生1zplay物。您通常可以看到大,成熟的石斑鱼和红衣主教。当目前的日本Amberjack学校(也称为Yellowtail)螺旋形时,进行了表演。潜水站点1zplay用于由于电流而导致的中间潜水技能。在同一东部海岸的1zplay另一个潜水是一个适合所有称为Deka Matsu的潜水员的大型平礁区。电流通常很弱,可让您探索巨大的电线珊瑚标本。 The dive site's name itself means large “Deka”, wire coral “Matsu”. Young grouper live around the coral, as do schools of Pacific herring and bottom feeders fish known as Chicken grunt. The three mentioned dive sites: Dokutsu, Kamabutase and Deka Matsu are all accessible by boat from Takahama Gyoto, a small fishing port on Tsushima's east coast.

尽管在热带水域中发现了90%的世界珊瑚礁,但Tsushima珊瑚礁处于相对较冷的水中。实际上,它是地球上最冷的珊瑚礁。礁石位于Tsushima和Iki Island之间的Murky Bay。在2001年发现了另一个靠近Iki岛的冷水礁,直到2012年发现Tsushimi礁之前,Iki Off Iki的礁石是尚未发现的最北端的礁石。新发现的Tsushima礁在Iki Island Reef以北70公里(43英里)。冷礁主要由大型的棕色珊瑚属Favia占据主导地位,该属在整个印度太平洋和大西洋中发现,并在较冷的水域中蓬勃发展。在这个冷礁上看不到杂色属的更丰富多彩的分支珊瑚。有趣的是,Acropora一直在全球锚定并向北延伸。日本周围的水显然正在变暖,而Acropora是一种用于检测变暖趋势的指标。

Diving off Tsushima does not offer the clearest or warmest waters but it does offer a unique chance to see cold water reef and dive sites that have not been overly explored. There are many dive sites yet to be discovered and Tsushima would be an excellent place for advanced divers who want to dive uncharted territory scientifically and geographically.

Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Tsushima and Iki Island, (Japan)

Tsushima是长崎县的一部分,这是日本大陆西南海岸的一个省。Tsushima大约到韩国一半进入日本海。The island of Iki is inland from Tsushima and also offers some great, unique dive sites in Japan. Scuba diving off Tsushima is a new phenomenon and it is worth pursuing. However, be aware that there are a few dive shops. Tsushima is less oriented towards the western scuba divers than around Okinawa or Tokyo.


到达Tsushima后,您可以在过去十年左右的时间里找到一些潜水的商店1zplay和度假胜地,以适应水上运动。Jou Jou 1zplay1zplayJou Scuba Dive Service在伊祖哈拉(Izuhara)的港口城市距离Tsushima市不远的地方提供了一些英语的教学和乘船游览,前往岛屿东海岸潜水地点。

Tsushima Reef是世界上最冷的礁石,位于Tsushima湾靠近Iki岛。岛的主要潜水店Jou J1zplayou Scuba Dive服务将经验丰富的潜水员带出了亲眼目睹的礁1zplay石。来自东京1zplay的Mar Scuba是一家大型潜水店,可以根据要1zplay求将潜水员带到Tsushima和Iki冷水礁。

对于那些喜欢海外运输的人来说,从洪斯胡岛主要岛上的港口城市的Shimonoseki到Tsushima。对于从韩国旅行的人来说,有来自韩国第二大釜山城市的高速渡轮服务。也有往返Iki Island和Tsushima的渡轮。

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