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ggbet下载 墨西哥湾的14个潜水地点或水肺潜1zplay水点的目录1zplay

14 Dive Sites


墨西哥州韦拉克鲁斯州周围1zplay已建立的水肺潜水地点并不众所周知。水域清晰,海洋生物和礁石蓬勃发展,棕榈树在风中吹来,使经典的韦拉克鲁斯声音。水的可见性和颜色是特殊和温暖的。当您沿着墨西哥墨西哥湾北岸的桑德尔(Sandier),沿着德克萨斯州海岸(Dexas Shore)北海岸的桑德尼尔(Sandier),云层越来越多的水域,当您沿着墨西哥湾海岸向南行驶时,水域变得越来越清晰和蓝色。Veracruz海岸的海上礁系统非常适合潜水,并且仍然是墨西哥的隐藏宝藏。1zplayVeracruz的礁石是指定的海洋国家公园。

Many ships have sunk in the last five centuries near the port of Veracruz. There are five notable wreck dives that not only offer great wreck diving, but most are on beautiful reefs that are thriving with marine life despite the pollution and high traffic port.

在布兰奎拉礁(Blanquilla ReefUSS Tacoma wreck. Found in just 10 meters of water, the US patrol ship sank in a heavy storm off the reef of Veracruz while on patrol in January 1924. The wreck calledRiva Palacio位于28米的水中,在韦拉克鲁斯港口的Anegada礁和Isla Verde旁。扫雷器最初是美国海军的一部分,被称为“欢乐”。这艘船于1962年被卖给了墨西哥海军,最终将里瓦·帕拉西奥(Riva Palacio)命名为2000年的人造礁。El Hidalgo躺在伊斯拉佛得角附近的港口。这个沉没的潜水地点只有1zplay30分钟的乘船,对初学者来说是一个很好的潜水。这三个残骸都在距韦拉克鲁兹(Veracruz)大约30分钟之内。超越港口的喧嚣和污染,您会惊讶于它的清晰度。1zplay潜水员报道说,小号鱼,巨大的拿骚石斑鱼和丰富的红鲷鱼学校以及许多其他海洋生物在残骸和周围的珊瑚礁中蓬勃发展。

从Veracruz港口向南进一步,还有另外两名可潜水的沉船,值得雇用船退房。1zplay这Maria Elenawreck is found on the northern end of the large Anegada reef. The wreckEl Rielero一世s on the other end of the Anegada reef to the south. Both wreck dives are suitable for intermediate level divers, and when the currents are low, which they often are, beginners can enjoy these wrecks with relative ease.

描述:NCHORVeracruz以北是知名的潜水地点,值得计划进行探索之1zplay旅。ARRECIFE LOS AMARILLOS(西班牙语“ Arrecife”翻译为“礁石”)是一个很棒的礁石。Los Amarillos Dive地点位于孤立的Chachalacas沙丘田地的近海和北部,距离沿岸的Veracruz仅20分钟路程。1zplay在那里,您将与Tarpons,Eagle Rays,Octopus一起游泳,并看到很多珊瑚和海葵。在Los Amarillos潜水地点有120英尺的跌落,非常适合观察大型鱼类,例如石斑鱼,鲨鱼和Sn1zplayapper学校。

South of the city of Veracruz and within the southern realms of the state of Veracruz is the city of Coatzacoalcos, an industrious port city not far from the border of the Mexican state of Tabasco, which marks the beginning of the Yucatan peninsula region. Offshore from Coatzacoalcos and to the south, there is the dive site Punta Gorda. With a maximum depth of about 40 meters, Punta Gorda is a paradise for soft and hard corals and the many smaller fish that inhabit the reef. The visibility at Punta Gorda is notoriously exceptional, making it a great dive site for intermediate level scuba divers looking to explore off-the-beaten-path scuba dive sites along Mexico's Gulf coast.

Read "Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Gulf of Mexico, (Mexico)"
