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我自2014年以来´一直潜水。我在蓬Ar噢enas, Chile (Patagonia) in june, that's starting winter, so it was very cold and unpleasant, although it did made me fall in love with scuba diving right away. Then I did my AOW in the north of the country at Bahia Inglesa, lovely change to slightly warmer waters, but still not good enough to really enjoy the underwater world. So from then, I've been diving outside Chile: Phi Phi in Thailand, Cozumel and Playa del Carmen in Mexico, Varadero in Cuba and, finally, done most of my diving and tarining at the lovely island of Carriacou, in Grenada, west Indies, were I first volunteered for 4 months at a marine conservation program, learning about reef restoration and monitoring, caribbean fish and creatures, etc. Just enjoying the underwater life as never before! I loved it so much, that I decided to become an instructor, so now I work at Deefer Diving here in Carriacou.



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    Marcelo Johan Ogata(fubdreamer)沉迷于水下宏观摄影!在_bugdreamer _的isntagram上关注我PADI 1zplayDIVEMASTER

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    马丁·赫斯(Martin 1zplayHess)(Scubamedia)对此的瘾,爱情自然和科学,热情的水肺潜水员 - 对我来说,这并不矛盾,而是我在关于水下摄影的主页上实现的激情-1zplay1zplaywww.scubamedia.de Maxim.de Maxim-您不能在每个潜水网站上潜水,而是在每个潜水地点进行潜水你可以试试帕迪开放水位潜水员1zplay

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    Matias Alexandro (underwater_matias)Shark lover Island Hopper. Based in Ibiza

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    Maus Rashad (Maus)1zplay潜水大师和水下摄影师试图将我的水下旅程穿过相机镜头。

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    梅利莎·米勒(Melissa Miller)(Melissamaja)我是一个瑞典的美国人,他在我家门口长大。有一天,我决定旅行,看看世界 - 从那以后就这样做了。我的好奇心,对大自然母亲所创造的一切的冒险和爱的渴望,使我在世界各地度过了令人难忘的旅程,高高和低谷。国外大约7年后,我决定搬到瑞典。在瑞典,我将自己教育为山和冒险领袖。我的日子包括山地徒步旅行,攀岩,漂流,滑雪,ATV驾驶,潜水,安全和救援工作等等。今天,我试图在冒险的疯狂生活和回到家的生活之间找到平衡。让我们看看如何进行!我不时也是一个模特,最近我向特技演员教育。为什么不呢? My latest Adventures was the Swedish edition of Survivor (Robinson 2015) in Cambodia, and after that work for Strix Television in the Philippines.

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    Mike Veitch (MikeVeitch)迈克最初来自加拿大温哥华,是一名屡获殊荣的摄影记者,探险领袖和水下摄影教练,自90年代后期以来一直在潜水行业工作。1zplay迈克(Mike)在世界上许多顶级潜水目的地都生活和工作,包括帕劳,YAP,法国波利尼西亚和莱姆贝海峡。lol赛事中心他目前居住在印度尼西亚的巴厘岛,在那里他通过他的公司水下部落教水下摄影。PADI讲师发展课程(IDC)员工讲师

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    Oleg Kalachov (darkhelgi)Photoblogger :) Diver  and Extreme Traveler - My travel blog

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    Polly Philipson (Polly)Polly is a published writer, underwater photographer and PADI Master Instructor. Specialising in Caribbean marine creature and coral identification, she currently resides in the Lesser Antilles. Previously a cold water UK diver, she now delights in diving the tropical islands throughout the Caribbean. Polly seamlessly blends her passion for scuba diving, and interest in marine identification, with her exemplary talent at capturing underwater experiences in the written form.PADI Master Instructor

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    Rafi Amar (rafiamar)嗨,我叫拉菲。我喜欢各种形式的摄影世界中美丽的天性。尤其是在水下..感谢所有观看和指向我的工作的人。

  • CRB dive
  • 朋友们
  • DM Training
  • 朋友在水下
  • Boat ride
  • At Whirlpool
  • Rescue Divers
  • 徘徊
  • lion鱼狩猎
  • ppb
  • lion鱼狩猎

End Of Media Stream

Posted on:2020年3月6日


Buceo en el Caribe: Carriacou, Grenada

Mi Primera Experiencia en esta parte del mundo fue en el 2018,cuando vine como fornuntaria al programa de conserpona de conserconaMarina caribbean reef buddy:http://caribbeanreefbuddy.org/mediatianteeenamorédeEstade esa isa islita islita islita inmediatemente inmediatemente inmediatemationa inmediatemationainamorédeestaIslitaysedíiquctísogeísectísectísecrosfim。


