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帕劳国旗Palau Diving

26Dive Sites19Dive Shops2个1zplay潜水日志

Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Palau

Palau has been rated one of the world’s best dive locations over and over again. With near perfect weather, lots of sharks, great reef life, and World War II wrecks, what’s not to love? It’s also a country that is embracing its environment, and in 2009 the president made the 230,000 square miles of water surrounding Palau the world’s firstshark sanctuary

grey reef shark上部帕劳壮观的岩石而闻名lands, a World Heritage Site, which are many small limestone islands made from coral reefs of thousands of years ago. Palau also has lush jungle with waterfalls and many historical ruins including the ancient stone monoliths at Badrulchau (161 A.D.) and WWII historical spots. And that’s just above water.

Palauboasts over 700 species of corals and 1300 species of fish, but the sharks are the number one attraction. Diving occurs all around the islands of Palau. Most dives are drift dives, which can range from a leisurely pace to ripping currents, and it’s those currents that bring nutrients up from deeper waters to attract marine life of all sizes including schools of sharks, barracuda, turtles and other fish. Fields of healthy hard corals grow to spectacular heights, and the walls are covered in sea fans, soft corals, and sponges. There are also dives of intact WWII ships and airplanes, caves, and the famous Jellyfish Lake.

Jelly Fish

Palau is located 900 miles southwest of Guam and part of Micronesia. Daily flights arrive from Japan, the Philippines, and Guam (with connections from Los Angles and Honolulu). United and Delta are the main carriers. Palauan and English are the official languages, but Japanese is widely spoken as well. Taxis are a common way to get around the islands, and there are many day tours that go around the islands to waterfalls and WWII historical spots.

Palau has a tropical climate with an average temperature of 82F (28C) year-round. Rainfall and humidity are common all year, but July to October has the most rain and is also when typhoons can occur. The water temperature stays around 80-82F (27-28C) throughout the year.



帕劳最著名的潜水网站是1zplayBlue Cornerboth for its pelagic marine life and its strong currents. The currents create an upwelling that rush into a coral shelf bring lots of nutrients and big animals with it. Sharks are common, as are eagle rays, mantas, and large fish such as tuna, schools of barracuda, and more. Divers “hook-in” at this dive site, securing themselves in the current by placing a hook with a line connected to the divers BCD in the rocks. Divers then float in the current, hooked in to the bottom. Once un-hooked, divers drift over healthy hard corals and lots of reef fish.


Blue Holes是从蓝角从墙壁上方墙壁上的一个洞穴结构。墙壁顶部的几个大孔导致一个巨大的洞穴,有足够的光线,出口大约80英尺,到达外墙。如果电流朝着正确的方向,潜水可以漂移到蓝角。1zplay乌隆频道一世s another drift dive known for having lots of grey reef sharks and white tips.German Channel一世s a popular manta cleaning station, where small wrasses come to clean giant mantas of their parasites. Sharks sometimes come into the area as well.


吊灯洞穴是一个大洞穴,有一个35英尺的入口,通向三个大房间,每个房间都有一个空气口袋。洞穴内看到巨大的石塔和钟乳石。洞穴入口附近的礁石有普通话。没有旅行,去帕劳的旅行是不完整的Jellyfish Lake。Only snorkeling is allowed in this lake that has an estimated two million stingless jellyfish. On the Southern tip of Palau is the island of Peleliu, which has sheer walls and very strong currents. This is a great place to see lots of large sharks and other pelagic life.


Palau also has several dive-able wrecks from World War II. TheHelmet Wrecksits inside the lagoon and has a cargo full of unexploded depth charges, several gas masks, and other relics from the 1940s. TheIro Maru这也是一条伟大的潜水,在弓箭上覆1zplay盖了三个桅杆,上面覆盖着海洋生长和炮塔。最近发现了几架飞机和更多的残骸。

Palau一世s known for its amazing drift dives, but there are more than just drifts. There are reef diving in areas without currents, wreck diving, and recently, technical diving has become more popular here because of the deep walls and wrecks. The water is warm year round (80-82F/27-28C) and a shorty wetsuit or a 3mm is recommended.

Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Palau


Sea Turtle帕劳(Palau)最著名的潜水店也是最长的。1zplay其中包括Sam的旅行,Fish'n’Fins和Neco Marine。Sam的巡回演出获得了无数奖项,并且是PADI五星国家地理中心。他们提供培训,潜水旅行以及非潜水旅行,例如1zplay皮划艇,土地旅行和乘船旅行。Neco Marine是PADI 5星金棕榈IDC培训设施,并提供Discover Scuba潜水到教练的培训,以及多艘船的每日旅行。1zplayFishn’Fins还为教练提供PADI培训,他们还提供每日旅行的几艘船。这三家商店都可以建立包括住宿在内的潜水套餐,并提供交通工具,并且它们在帕劳(Palau)周围潜水。1zplay

Jelly Fish

Palau is also home to many liveabords. Aggressor Fleet’sPalau Aggressor II和舞者舰队的TropicDancer提供一周旅行有时,三特别长ps. They are both 106ft long catamarans with three levels providing luxury accommodations with private bathrooms and showers. Diving occurs off smaller skiffs. Worldwide Dive and Sail have just recently started operating theS/Y Palau警笛,,,,a 130ft sailing yacht, in Palau. They offer trips of different length from 6-11 nights. Fish’n’Fins operates the海洋猎人一世andIII狮子板。山姆(Sam)的巡回演出中有私人特许的牲畜款,可以由夫妇或小团体租用。


拿破仑在蓝色角落要求在帕劳潜水的许可证。1zplayKoror州许可证为10天的$ 50,而水母湖是100美元。要在Peleliu附近潜水,需要peleliu潜水许可证,14天需要20美元。这些费用总是在变化,因此最好在出发前检查最新信息。离开时,在机场支付了仅50美元现金的“绿色费用”,其中包括出发税和环境保护费。

大多数商店和牲畜都提供Nitrox,在进行多天潜水以增加底部时间时,这很不错。1zplay商店和船只还提供优质的装备,许多商店也有出售装备。例如,山姆的旅行载有大量的Scubapro和Aqualung Gear。1zplay

Barracudas at Blue Corner

Liveaboards in Palau

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