Jewels of the Mediterranean winter: the John Dory

当每个人都想到世界各地最好的潜水场所时1zplay地中海从未出现. It doesn’t have warm waters, coral reefs or exotic fish. Nevertheless, for European divers, it has some attractive places like the西班牙语“Costa Brava”. As I live near Barcelona, this is my main diving area,in which I had some of my best dives.

在冬季,您可以敢打赌,水不会透明和热带温暖. Usually, there's low visibility (less than 5 m) and really cold water, 11-13ºC (38-40F), so drysuitsare heavily recommended. Besides, there’s a lot less life compared to the summer. That would discourage most divers, and only some locals dive all the year.

但是对于那些在冬季敢潜水的人来说,海洋可能会用一些隐1zplay藏的珠宝奖励他们. One of them is a very special fish, the约翰·多里(John Dory)(Zeus faber).

约翰·多里(John Dory)

有一个传奇人物说这个地方是圣彼得·拇指丝,hence the John Dory's other name,圣彼得。



约翰·多里(John Dory)around a lost gill net

How to Spot Them?

John dories seem to have a, sometimes不健康,吸引任何明显项目, so it’s easy to see them around forgotten nets, sunken trees, etc, although in some places you can see them at very shallow depths, they tend to prefer deeper waters.

In some places you can find them below 18 m but sometimes you have to descend to 40 m, into colder waters, to find them.

It’s not easy to spot them; they are very elusive critters.但这不是他们独特的问题。

You can look straight at one a meter away and it renders you invisible until you get much closer, and then it feels impelled to move away.The John Dory is one of the greats masters of stealth. In winter green waters, the stripes along its body fuse with the sea grass prairies or algae-covered rocks. Its slight color changes improve its stealth design.

Juvenile john Dory

As long as they trust in their own ability to remain unseen, you can approach them, however,他们很害羞的鱼, so you’ll always see them from behind and from a minimal safety distance.

If you want to photograph these animals,a fisheye wouldn’t be the best option. A standard zoom lens is the most reasonable choice, like the 17-70 mm.

A 100 mm can also render very good portraits from a reasonable distance.

How to shoot them?

我最喜欢的镜头选择?令人惊讶的一个:鱼眼。尽管您必须真正接近才能获得体面的结果,但它可以使最壮观的镜头呈现,并允许您展示环境。您总是必须慢慢接近约翰多里斯(John Dories),以找到安全距离并尝试保持它。

Forget the hurries, and wait for the John to give you its best shot.

If you’re lucky enough, you can see them yawn- one of the most spectaculars yawns I’ve ever seen.

Most fish have very different personalities, even at an individual level, so if you dive several times, you can eventually find a curious individual that can almost touch your dome.LOTS of patience, bad shots, and unsuccessful dives will be required; however, all your efforts will be worthwhile.

Have you ever seen the John Dory? Any tips on spotting them or getting a great capture?

Published 8月21日,


Marine Life

约翰·多里(John Dory)






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