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The Amazing Dive Sites Of Phuket Thailand Part 3. Koh Doc Mai

The dive sites ofPhuket Thailand一直是水肺潜水和1zplay普吉岛浮潜之旅alike. What makes泰国普吉岛especially popular is the diving is easy with mild currents and shallow depths. Ok there are many other places with shallow diving but very few are as stunningly beautiful with such a varies sea life as when1zplay潜水泰国.

When潜水普吉岛there are many choices. Do you dive the east side in the gulf of Thailand or the west side in the Andaman ocean? What will follow will be a guide to let you know the best dive sites, the most popular dive sites, when is the best time to dive them to help you get the most out of thescuba diving Phuket必须提供。无论您以前从未尝试过还是经验丰富的潜水员都没关系1zplay在泰国潜水will will impress you.

First up is a well known dive site to all divers who have beendiving in Phuketas it is the location of the the third dive of many day trips. Many普吉岛潜水中心1zplayuse Koh Doc Mai as its a great but easy drift dive that you need to pass on your way back from other locations such as Phi Phi and King Cruiser. The other bonus is that being a nice long drift dive that even if other boats are there before you then they will be further along the wall when you begin your dive and everyone drifts with the current at a similar speed.

Koh Doc Mailiterally means "flower island". There are different stories of how the place got its name - some say it is because the island was once full of blossoming flowers, and others claim its name comes from the underwater beauty around its shores. The little limestone island stretches vertically down 24 - 28 meters, creating a wall all around. Although the west side, with hard coral extending out from 12 - 18 meters, is shallower, the east wall is more popular with divers. There are many cracks and crevices along the walls at all depths, but the most frequented visit is a big cave and small cave located on the east side of the island. However, the small cave is narrow and long, so divers who have不鼓励没有获得洞穴潜水员的特色,可以穿透洞穴1zplay。没有进入岛屿的通道。电流轻到中度,并沿南北方向运行。潮汐低潮时的北侧和南侧的电流更强1zplay普吉岛潜水与世界上许多其他地点相比,很容易。在有强电流的天数,也可能会有通行或下电流。此后,当地人,潜水员和援助组织的合作活动清除了碎屑和垃圾,但您仍然会看到距离海岸附近的散落岩石。1zplay在4米的深处,您会看到珊瑚礁从岸边延伸,主要由脑珊瑚和孔珊瑚组成,延伸至约12米的深度。

Marine Life

A good variety of small creatures make this site a favourite forPhuket dive shops。Tigertail海马,华丽的幽灵烟鱼和钓鱼鱼是沿着墙壁经常发现的物种之一。慢慢去检查墙壁或海风扇中的缝隙,当它们移动时您可能会发现它们。墙壁也是宏观摄影师的天堂,因为五颜六色的裸虫,扁虫,微小的白眼杂草和10个或更多舞蹈虾的团体可以露面。

Do examine cracks and small crevices for giant morays, and enjoy the schools of yellowline snapper, trevally and fusilierthat usually swim along the wall. For those interested in bigger fish, great barracuda may be seen clser to the wall if there are strong currents, and leopard shark may also catch a few winks at the bottom of the wall.

Dive Trip

Dive slowly if you don't want to miss the small creatures this divesite is famous for, but with any goodPhuket dive shoptheir instructor will not let you miss anything. Thailand Divers is know for its very experience instructors who have been diving these sits for many years as they live here all year round. Many newerThailand dive centerswill use gap year students and backpackers as guides as a cheap way to get guides in the busy times but if you want to get the best from the diving then its better to go for experience over quantity of divers everytime. It should be possible to get half way around the island in an hour. It is usually a one way dive along the wall side, but it can get tricky when there are strong currents, as the up currents and down currents can rapidly reduce visibility from a good 25 meters to 10 meters very fast.


Koh Doc Maiis a great dive to end youopen water course Phuket与您所掌握的大部分技能的倾斜礁相比,它的乐趣和不同类型的潜水站点相比。1zplay当你学习水肺潜水普吉岛1zplay1zplay有一些很棒的景点,而Koh Doc Mai是从Phi Phi等地方回家的最后一次潜水,因此是结束课1zplay程的好方法,尤其是如果鲸鲨出现。它也是其他人的好地方dive courses Phuket例如高级课程或深度潜水1zplay那就是当讲师的经验真正回报时,您将获得很大的潜水,因为他们知道那里不仅仅是潜水。1zplay



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