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United States flag在美国钥匙拉哥的27个水肺潜水业1zplay务目录

27 Dive Shops

Part 3: Dive Shops, Airports & Logistics of Diving in Key Largo, (United States)

The Florida Keys are an easy drive in a rental car from Miami International Airport or Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport. The drive through the Everglades and along U.S. Route 1, the Overseas Highway, is stunning.

The Florida Keys are affectionately known as The Islands You Can Drive To, an appellation that speaks to the obvious fact that the main islands are connected to the Florida mainland by a system of roadway and bridges known as the Overseas Highway. Historically the highway, also known as U.S. #1, evolved from the old railroad bed of Henry Flagler's "Railroad That Went to Sea". The Key West Extension of the Florida East Coast Railway connected 30 of the 200 islands that comprise the Keys, operating for 23 years until a horrendous hurricane in 1935 wiped it out. The railroad was never rebuilt, but by 1938 the bridges and embankments were critical components of the new highway and the era of automobile tourism to the Florida Keys was launched.

Seven Mile Bridge connecting the Middle and Lower keys

the Keys are situated just 70 miles to the north of the Tropic of Cancer, the line of demarcation for the "tropics". This southerly setting provides temperatures ranging from 80 to 90 degrees in the summer, and an average of 72 to 84 degrees during the winter

The Gulf Stream is a massive offshore current that brings warm and clear water past the Keys from the Caribbean and the Bahamas. The prevailing onshore wind helps keep the air temperatures consistently balmy, and the cleansing current of the Gulf Stream helps maintain the crystalline water clarity for which the Keys are famous.

1950年代,当太多的矛钓和珊瑚收集开始威胁到奇妙的珊瑚礁依克罗尔戈(Key Largo)时,创建了约翰·彭尼克普(John Pennekamp)珊瑚礁州立公园,以保留这种惊人的资源。然后,在1975年,通过创建主要的Largo国家海洋保护区,保护领域得到了增强。到1981年,下钥匙礁石的珠宝之一得到了LOOE钥匙国家海洋保护区立法的保护,然后在1990年,整个佛罗里达钥匙,包括2,600平方英里的海洋海洋,在海洋保护区建立在海洋保护区的指导下。佛罗里达钥匙国家海洋保护区。

法律要求1zplay雇用美国海岸警卫队认证的队长,要求Key Largo和所有佛罗里达钥匙的潜水商店。大多数乘船旅行都在许多障碍之间导航到四到六英里的近海礁石和残骸地点。1zplay潜水商店在关键的Largo地区非常有竞争力,大多数商店都提供所有级别的潜水指导和认证计划。许多人还提供速成课程的“度假胜地”课程,该课程为新的或业余的潜水员准备了训练有素的潜水员的基本浅水潜水。1zplay对于那些在潜水中不舒服或不舒服的人来说,浮潜的机会无处不在,有些人选择在一日游,只是在船上浮潜,而其1zplay他人则潜水。1zplay钥匙的许多海滩也提供良好的浮潜,而亲人潜水时,总有购物和闲逛。1zplay

Read "Part 1: Overview of Scuba Diving in Key Largo, (United States)

阅读“第2部分:潜水地点,K1zplayey Largo的海洋生物和环境,(美国)

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