Sharks for sale

出版 Nov. 10,


Ocean Threats Series - The Problem of Shark Finning - Part II

InPart 1,,,,we started investigating the problem of shark finning- a bit of history, current state of our seas, and how this problem can affect us and the seas around us. Now, taking a step further, we look at what we can do to help our sharks.


Information is power

First step towards empowerment is information. Here are some books and documentaries to be more informed on the subject:

  1. 鲨鱼水(在Heather由生物学家,摄影师和电影制片人罗伯·斯图尔特(Rob Stewart)执导的帖子)是一个很好的起点,可以更多地了解鲨鱼鳍。
  2. Shiver: Shark Finning in Mozambique – The documentary follows Mozambican Carlos Macuacua, as he becomes the first person to unravel Mozambique's world of shark finning.
  3. Man & Shark – Photography book by Paul Hilton and Alex Hofford, which explores the practice of shark finning in developing nations, and tracks the fins' paths to the Chinese market.


  1. 冲浪中的妮可(Nicole)是我的草皮 - 由Save我们的海洋基金会委托,本书试图揭开鲨鱼的负面形象。适用于3至7岁的儿童。
  2. The Adventures of Shark Stanley & Friends – This beautifully illustrated book by the organization Shark Defenders and SAGE magazine explains to kids the dangers sharks face all around the world.



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你就是你吃的东西 - 使用

If you don’t agree with the killing of sharks for shark fin soup, avoid any restaurants that sell it near you, and let the owner know why you are avoiding the place.,you can find a list of some restaurants that sell shark fin soup. Any time you encounter a restaurant that sells shark meals, make sure you add it to the list on the website and let others know too.




如果您居住在或参观有鲨鱼的地方,那么在鲨鱼潜水等环境可持续性的支持活动。展示鲨鱼比死还活着更多,这是迈向保护的重要一步。例如,在帕劳(Palau),每条礁鲨(Reef Shark)每年的旅游业收入每年收入约179,000美元。相比之下,单个鲨鱼鳍的售价约为108美元。

Here are various examples of amazing shark dives in加勒比,,,,South Africa,,,,伯利兹,,,,Fiji,,,,andthe Bahamas

Politics matter



The main international tool for management of sharks is CITES. First step has already been taken with the inclusion of 5 more shark species, both manta rays and 1 sawfish in the CITES list. However, as 30% of sharks are considered endangered, we can always ask for more.


On the regional level, regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) are important to ensure sustainable fisheries of migratory species, including sharks. However, only 24 out of 450 shark species have any conservation or management measures at the RFMO level, and they are often protected only by some RFMOs and not others. Considering most species are migratory and cross political boundaries, more action by RFMOs is required to protect these animals.



  1. Regulations that prohibit commercial fishing of all sharks throughout their exclusive economic zone, creating shark sanctuaries;
  2. 禁止出售,贸易和拥有鲨鱼零件;
  3. 禁止鲨鱼鳍;
  4. 建立捕获配额和齿轮限制。

Our greed is exceeding the ocean’s ecological limit, and it is up to us to stop this nonsense, before it is too late.

This is a post on the series Ocean Threats. In the series, we will discuss the main issues menacing oceans worldwide: the state of the problem, how it can affect ecosystems and people, and practical ideas of how we can help keeping our seas healthy. Are you ready to fight for our ocean? Then, ahoy mate, jump aboard!


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